Вітаємо, шановні учасники гейм-джему Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo!
субота, 8 лютого 2025 р.
Трохи більше доби до здачі ігор Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo!
понеділок, 3 лютого 2025 р.
Ви маєте час до ранку 10 лютого щоб доробити гру про критичне мислення та потрапити у акселератор!
Шановні гейм-джемери!
Зараз іде двотижневий етап гейм-джему Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo, який спрямований на створення ігор, що розвивають критчне мислення та вміння ідентифікувати дезинформацію.
Працювати можуть усі бажаючі. Головне - заповніть реєстраційну форму на сайті https://unitedwithukraine.games/
Для заливки ігор будемо також використовувати сайт української локації Global Game Jam: https://globalgamejam.org/jam-sites/2025/vseukrainska-zvedena-lokaciya-ggjua
Можливість завантажити гру відкриється з 7 лютого та буде вікритою до опівночі 9 лютого за Каліфорнією (це 10 ранку 10 лютого за Києвом)
Що відбудеться далі
Ігри будуть оцінюватися журі. З них оберуться 20 ігор, які отримають по 1000 доларів мінігранту. І далі розробники цих ігор будуть два місяці працювати за акселераційною моделлю: з консультаціями менторів, трекінгом прогресу, поступовими покращеннями геймлпею.
У квітні з ігор з акселератора будуть обрані фіналісти для представлення пітчів, і за результатами пітчів три гри отримають гранти по 200 000 доларів США.
Тож працюйте, робіть гру, не забудьте реєструатися - і бажаємо удачі!
Всі питання можна поставити у спільноті GGJUA у Телеграмі https://t.me/ggjua та Ігровари у Дискорді https://discord.com/invite/yMPpMn9BQx
середа, 29 січня 2025 р.
План робіт по Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo та Global Game Jam
Шановні джемери! Вітаємо, Global Game Jam, міжнародний захід з розробки ігор, у якому Україна вдесяте бере участь, завершено!
А Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo, хакатон грантового проекту Держдепартаменту США United with Ukraine Game Jam, тільки розпочинається! У вас є час до 9 лютого, щоб зробити гру, яка розвиває критичне мислення, цифрову грамотність та вміння іентифікувати пропаганду та дезинформацію, і ви зможете виграти мікрогрант у 1000 доларів, а згодом - грант у 200 000 доларів!
Наводимо важливу поточну інформацію:
1. На середу, 29 січня, 18:00 за Києвом заплановано вебінар "Інструменти пропаганди, які можна використовувати при створенні відеоігор", який проведе шеф-редактор Українських новин Денис Гороховський. Вебінар пройде українською мовою
2. На четвер, 30 січня, 18:00 за Києвом заплановное вебінар "Malign Information Influence and vulnerabilities in the gaming sphere" ведучі: Dominik Swiecicki та Yara Tag-Eldeen. Вебінар пройде англійскою мовою
3. Якщо у вас з'явилася ідея нової гри на тему Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo або ви дізналися про цей хакатон лише щойно, ваша робота також буде прийнята. Працюйте, консультуйтеся з ресурсами, беріть участь у роботі спільноти, а можливість залити гру на сайт локації ми відкриємо ближче до 9 лютого.
4. У кінці двотижневого відрізку Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo ми плануємо на Ігроварах провести традиційну відеопрезентацію українських ігор з обох джемів. Якщо бажаєте взяти участь та показати свою гру, заповніть, будь ласка, форму
5. Також запрошуємо ваші ігри з Global Game Jam подати на оцінювання спільноти, що відбуватиметься на платформі Itch.io
6. Поки ви працюватимете над іграми Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo, ваші проекти з Global Game Jam дивитиметься колегія журі. Результати ви дізнаєтеся на стрімі-презентаціях. Також є цікаві можливості для ігор:
Номінація від компанії GameLoft - Гра, у яку судді будуть грати і після суддівства.
Кращі ігри Global Game Jam та Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo будуть представлені на стенді на експо конференції Games Gathering у Львові
Бажаємо удачі! Нагадуємо, що будь-які питання можна задати в спільноті GGJUA у Телеграмі та Ігровари у Дискорді
неділя, 19 січня 2025 р.
Інструкції учасникам Global Game Jam та Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo щодо участі та заливки гри
У 2025 році Україна проводить Global Game Jam вдесяте, і цей раз у нас цілих два заходи: Global Game Jam та Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo. Ви маєте шанс зробити гру, яка матиме реальний вплив на людей та суспільство, а також - виграти чималий грошовий приз!
Зведена інформація про джеми опублікована на сторінці https://www.ggj.org.ua/2025/01/global-game-jam-ctrlaltdisinfo-2025.html
Якщо ви робите гру про критичне мислення, дотримуватися цієї теми не обов'язково, проте радимо прийти на стрім та подивитися, адже він може надати корисних ідей для вашого проект.
Коли будете готові залити свою гру чи концепт, зайдіть на сторінку локації https://globalgamejam.org/jam-sites/2025/vseukrainska-zvedena-lokaciya-ggjua та натисніть на кнопку Create Game
Далі ви заповнюєте всю необхідну інформацію про гру, а також вказуєте інших джемерів, які над нею працювали.
Щоб вказати, що ваша гра претендує на призи за грантом Держдепартамента США, у розділі Game Diversifiers треба вказати Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo (United with Ukraine Game Jam)
Бажаємо удачі!
Ось такі екрани можуть бути до того, як з'являється кнопка Create Game:
вівторок, 14 січня 2025 р.
План проведення джемів Global Game Jam та Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo у 2025 році
Зведена інформація по проведенню Global Game Jam та Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo з відповідями на найрозповсюдженіші питання. Клікніть щоб відкрити на повний екран чи скачати (лінк на велику версію)
- https://globalgamejam.org/jam-sites/2025/vseukrainska-zvedena-lokaciya-ggjua - для реєстрації у обох джемах, оскільки через платформу Global Game Jam буде відбуватися заливка ігор
- https://unitedwithukraine.games/ - додаткова реєстрація для учасників гейм-джему з призами Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo
- https://t.me/ggjua - чат GGJUA де можна дізнатися вимоги локацій, познайомитися з координаторами, знайти команду, задати питання
- https://discord.gg/yMPpMn9BQx - Дикорд Ігровари, де також можна познайомитися з координаторами локацій, знайти команду, задати питання
неділя, 24 листопада 2024 р.
Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo: гейм-джем зі створення ігор, що навчатимуть критичному мисленню із призами у 200 000 доларів!
Програма передбачає гейм-джем Ctrl+Alt+Disinfo. Він проходитиме в три етапи.
- двотижневий джем (лютий 2025)
10 грудня: https://unitedwithukraine.games/2024/11/20/being-bad-applying-inoculation-to-game-design/
вівторок, 27 лютого 2024 р.
Global Game Jam Ukraine 2024 Games Showcase

- Gamedev under Bombs: https://www.ggconference.com/en/gamedev-under-bombs/
- O-Pocket: https://o-pocket.org/
- UNITED24: https://u24.gov.ua/
- Come Back Alive: https://savelife.in.ua/en/
Games made at Global Game Jam 2023 by the Ukrainian developers
Shop Pranker
Jam results: Theme #2, Artstyle #1, Potential #1, Fun #8, People's Choice #9Game page
Have you always thought about it but never dared? The time has come! Collect such a combination of goods to make the cashier laugh, use imagination and forbidden techniques to make the cashier laugh!

My Darling Washing Machine
Jam results: Theme #3, Artstyle #6, Potential #4, Fun #1Game page
Comic-tragic story about a lone bachelor and his confusing relationship with the washing machine. The protagonist is forced to go through the difficult way of redemption and restore the warm feelings of indispensable home appliances. My Darling Washi...

Make Them Laugh!
Jam results: Theme #1, Artstyle #7, Potential #6, Fun #2Game page
In this game, you will play as a person participating in a contest where the goal is to make comedians laugh. Earn money for your funny jokes and upgrade your equipment to deliver even better laughs!

Cucumber Hero
Jam results: Theme #8, Artstyle #2, Potential #8, Fun #5, People's Choice #3Game page Itch page
Game about hero with legendary cucumber weapon and time travel adventure.
Don't Make Me Laugh
Jam results: Theme #5, Artstyle #4, Potential #9, Fun #7, People's Choice #6Game page Itch page
You wake up in hospital and the doctor warns you: "If you laugh one more time, you will explode!" In this game, your task is to complete the level without letting your character laugh. Believe me, it's not that easy...
Dark Age Metal
Jam results: Theme #15, Artstyle #3, Potential #5, Fun #4, People's Choice #8Game page Itch page
Immerse yourself in a medieval world with "Dark Age Metal" a unique game where players step into the shoes of wandering minstrels tasked with playing enchanting tunes. As you serenade the crowd, navigate the challenge of collecting coins while dodgin...
Don't drop the child
Jam results: Theme #9, Artstyle #17, Potential #3, Fun #10, People's Choice #14Game page Itch page
You are managing the trampoline, helping kids have fun, and don't let them fall off the trampoline! Every buddy has preferences; someone likes to bounce into another kid, someone likes just jumping, and almost no one likes to fall off of the trampoli...

Jam results: Theme #7, Artstyle #12, Potential #7, Fun #11, People's Choice #2Game page Itch page
The Sad King requested the jesting cat to amuse him. Perform tricks, gather pies, make the king laugh. But be cautious, beware of angry dogs if the king is not pleased.
Eclipsed Joy
Jam results: Theme #11, Artstyle #11, Potential #10, Fun #9, People's Choice #4Game page
In this game, you need to make sad people laugh, from whose positive emotions everything around blossoms, the world becomes colorful and carefree.
Witchery & Mockery
Jam results: Game which will keep the judges playing - Nominee (sponsored by GameLoft), Artstyle #5, Potential #2, Fun #3Game page
Welcome to the witch's house, where the ability to solve riddles is the key to survival! The player finds himself in a magical witch's house, where each room is a separate stage and task. The main mechanic is to rotate the house by changing the gravi...
Cat Comedy
Jam results: Theme #12, Artstyle #21, Potential #11, Fun #6, People's Choice #10Game page Itch page
Game with 4 different minigames that are driving anecdote story. A short varied story of one small, black, very clumsy cat, under random circumstances set out to become a hero of this world by saving the planet from impending disaster. On his way the...

To HEHE or not to HEHE
Jam results: Theme #13, Artstyle #8, Potential #13, Fun #13, People's Choice #17Game page Itch page
Clown Carnival Clash where jesters armed with pie-throwing umbrellas battle for the title of the most entertaining clown at a medieval festival, aiming to win the king's favor

Quest For Jest
Jam results: Theme #4, Artstyle #15, Potential #22, Fun #12, People's Choice #13Game page Itch page
Take a trip back in time and experience the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, where you play the role of a jester to make people laugh with your jokes. The main goal of the game is to choose the right joke in every situation. Your talent will determine ...

Laugh, Death & Robots
Jam results: Theme #14, Artstyle #13, Potential #14, Fun #14, People's Choice #12Game page Itch page
"Laugh. Death. Robots." - is an exciting game where you control a robot comedian in a stand-up club. Your goal is to entertain the audience with sharp jokes. However, your robot breaks down from time to time, and you have to solve mini-puzzles to res...
Make Me Bean
Jam results: Artstyle #14, Potential #12, Fun #20, People's Choice #7Game page
The farmers of a certain bean farm have eaten too much psychedelic beans and are now imagining all sorts of things. For example, that the cops came to their farm to conduct an inspection. Turn into props, hide and try not to laugh, otherwise the cops...

Royal Comedy
Jam results: Theme #10, Artstyle #16, People's Choice #24Game page Itch page
Joy and fun reigned in the glorious kingdom. The king was amused every day by the jokes of his beloved jester. But suddenly misfortune happened - the poor joker slipped on a banana peel and died. The courtiers were amazed, and the king plunged into g...
Mr. Riffle Joke
Jam results: Theme #6, Fun #21, People's Choice #16Game page Itch page
The game is about a comedian who forgets the genre of his jokes, so he doesn’t know when to draw them in time for the player to help him.
Office from Hell
Jam results: Theme #18, Potential #16, Fun #24Game page Itch page
Have you ever hated your boss? In this game you can mock him, for example by throwing salty coffee :) Set all the traps in the allotted time and collect all the stars

Jam results: Theme #17, Artstyle #20, Fun #17, People's Choice #5Game page Itch page
A mime is supposed to come to the school to entertain the children and create a small show for the first graders. But the mime is late and asks his friend, a physics teacher, to replace him for a short time. The physicist agrees to be in makeup, even...
Make me angry
Jam results: Theme #16, Potential #15, Fun #16Game page Itch page
"Make me Angry is an exciting arcade game where your task is to use a variety of strategies and tools to make your neighbor as angry as possible. The player is given a limited time to complete this task.
Little Souls
Jam results: Artstyle #9, Potential #19, Fun #18Game page Itch page
Embark on a journey of brave heroes encased in puppet bodies in the casual comedy demo game Little Souls.

Anilaugh Studio
Jam results: Theme #20, Artstyle #22, Potential #23Game page Itch page
Run your own business! Control the budget and create a happy moments for kids. Game for kids to make kids laugh!

Please! Make me Laugh!
Jam results: Theme #22, Artstyle #25, Potential #24, Fun #19, People's Choice #23Game page Itch page
A visual novel game where you have to make a depressed girl laugh. Try to make her life better and more fun. Better do it, otherwise she will do something to herself... Choose the best and funniest joke in your opinion. Increase your happiness level ...

Laugh 'em Up
Jam results: Theme #25, Artstyle #19, Fun #25, People's Choice #15Game page Itch page
Ruin has come to our circus. The Ringmaster has gone mad...darkness swallowed the once joyful place... But the hope is not lost. A lonely hero embarks on a quest to bring back smiles and laughter! And this hero's name is...Sully the Plump Clown.
Make me happy
Jam results: Artstyle #18, Potential #18, Fun #15Game page Itch page
You are a spirit located in the world where people (and others) go when they sleep. But some people fall asleep for too long...they end up in a coma. Your goal is to fulfill all their wishes and let them wake up. When the happiness scale is completel...
Wacky Swipe
Jam results: Theme #23Game page Itch page
In "Wacky Swipe", play as a sly performer who must entertain an audience while secretly engaging in whimsical heists. Each act is a blend of humor and stealth, as you make the crowd laugh to distract them from your real motive: swiping unique treasur...
Party Panic!
Jam results: Theme #19, Fun #22, People's Choice #22Game page Itch page
No one will hear your happy screams in space. The same seems to be true for the main character of this "anti-horror" game because there is no one on the ship to celebrate his birthday. Or is that so..? Navigate through the long empty halls of the spa...

Crazy Fox
Jam results: Artstyle #10, Potential #21Game page
This is a story about Fox Ginger, who wants to have some fun and likes to do dirty tricks. It's a world of adventures, the life of the village, quests and linear events. Let's go with us to the funny world!

Exit Exist?
Jam results: Artstyle #23, Fun #23Game page
The Chastiser, trapped in hell, is trying to escape. He is helped by Kitsune, who has fallen into the demonic world. To escape, he must pass through the gates of hell, guarded by Cerberus. He can't be kill, but you can stun him for a while and then r...

Comic Run
Jam results: People's Choice #18Game page
Laughter is not always achieved peacefully, sometimes it can be forced. Try on the role of a madman who decides to increase the amount of laughter in the world, even if it means breaking the law.

Merry Dancing Chain
Game page Itch pageTake all the people into the dancing chain. They will join the end of your chain. The main character follows the mouse

Ha-Ha Show
Jam results: Potential #17Game page
Haha show is a game where you have to compete with another player, standing on colors and surviving as long as possible. Your main task is to bring as much laughter as possible to the audience! The more interesting the show, the more new viewers will...

Cheer Me Up, Smiley!
Jam results: Theme #21, People's Choice #19Game page Itch page
Play in Fullscreen Mode! A team of Ukrainian developers created this game. During 1 week of development, we had 35 air raid attacks by russiaIsATerroristState. We had to take shelter for 1 day and 20 hours total. 💛💙StandWithUkraine 💙💛 To win a ...

Funny Jokers
Jam results: Theme #24, People's Choice #25Game page Itch page
The main character, named Veselun, came from another planet to save the world from sadness. To achieve this, he brought with him a secret weapon that has two modes: happy and sad. But on the way, he met evil funny jokers who interfered with his plans...

Knock Knock
Jam results: People's Choice #11Game page Itch page
Knock Knock is a game based on short, minimalist American jokes from the 90s that start with the phrase "Knock Knock" and are characterized by funny interactions and unexpected twists.

Cat Alone
Jam results: People's Choice #20Game page Itch page
Protect your home and jewelry from cunning thieves! Set traps for them, collecting resources in the house, and enjoy watching them suffer. The goal is to prevent thieves from taking all the treasures from the house and also to drive all the thieves o...

The Legendary recipe
Jam results: Artstyle #24Game page
A game about not very capable cook in terms of taste, but very capable in terms of use her dishes in different ways. She with her magic companion embark on a journey to find the Legendary recipe because thats indeed how you`ll become a master chef, n...

Clownery Adventure: EXTREME BBQ
Game page Nature. Blue sky. A light breeze. Circus tent. The clown decided to have a snack with a hot dog, but suddenly the sausage gained consciousness, got scared and ran away to the tent. The clown was shocked as well and ran for a sausage with a flamethrow...

Epic NPC Club
Game page Itch pageIn this hilarious game inspired by the popular web series Epic NPC Man, you play as Greg, a friendly but insecure NPC who wants to become a comedian. Greg has a big stand up show at night, where he hopes to prove his friends Bodger and Baradum that ...

Nightmare laugh
Game page Once the main character had a dream, a wonderful dream, it was his paradise. But it did not last long, because HE appeared. HE devoured his mind, his thoughts, his dreams. The main character was never happy again. Only medicine helped his mind. But s...

Make me laugh
Game page Game with multiplayer about making funny sentences of words suggested by AI. Create sentences, laugh, and enjoy with your friends!

Game page Itch pageLaugHELL is a vertical shoot em up bullet hell game. You are playing as Deu, who, for some reason, decided to gather a humor group... from the whole different world. (Time constraints and lack of developer's skill only made this game to have one stag...

Jam results: Potential #20Game page
You are playing as WARRIORS OF ODIN, once upon a time, ODIN said that all PUNKS MUST DIE! So, you need to clear the earth from this virus. In your squad, you have: Olaf - warrior with a big axe who avoids enemy attacks using a dash. Abdul - big man ...

The Secret of Merry Kingdom: Saviors of Laughter
Game page Puzzle game in which you have to play as three characters with unique abilities that are unlocked during the game

School Hooligan
Game page Itch pageThe main character has to play dirty tricks at school. He is main person of his school and your goal to help him make as many dirty tricks as you can to make other students laugh.

Poop master
Jam results: Potential #25Game page Itch page
POOP MASTER is a fun and dynamic game in which you need to use unusual weapons - cockeys! Your goal is to rush them into a raid man. It is a game that tests your fiction and strategy, and also adds fun due to your unusual plot. You will be surprised ...

Bakery of Terror
Game page Itch pageGlofather, comrade! 1984. The bakery. You. And the world where, regardless of their interests, views, and opinions, everyone must obey the Party's regime. The Department Of Strict Minds is all over the country, and Our Father is watching you, so do y...

Game page Imagine you find yourself in a game world where every laughter can be the last. The world, passionate about a mysterious disease that makes people fun, even too much, but at the same time deadly. Everyone, even light laughter - can be the last you wi...

Snail: Return to the Bar
Jam results: People's Choice #1Game page Itch page
We all know the old funny joke about the snail that walks into the bar... What if we interpret these events a little? Try to survive in this game as long as possible so that you are not kicked out of the bar...

Jester Tales
Game page Itch pageGame about jester who have to entertain the king

Lost in Fantasy
Game page The main character enters a mysterious portal and enters another world where he needs to get to know the local residents and find a way home.

Don't make me cry
Game page Itch pageHave you ever wanted a browser walking simulator but with gameplay???? Your dream is here. An amazing and scary adventure can start with buying a beer. Let yourself know why you are here and figure out what to do to escape. Don't forget: If someon...

Make me laugh
Jam results: People's Choice #21Game page Itch page
Create tablets called "Laugh" to make people happy in these dark times.

The rockest
Game page Itch pageYou will feel mixed feelings of anger and laughter in this game.

Game page You and your space partner are swimming in space surrounded by scattered memes. The task is to combine phrases with memes to collect coins. However, you manage only your half, and your friend - the other half. During the meteoric rain, you both need ...

Цирк і Коні
Game page Itch pagePlaying about jokes and elections.

Laugh to Last
Game page Itch pageWelcome to the cheerful world of "Laugh to Last"! You control a vibrant character who thrives on laughter and fun, even in the toughest situations. Your hero wields a unique weapon - a cannon that shoots fluffy feathers. Your goal is to amuse enemies...

Make Me Laugh
Game page Itch pageThere is a world: full of dark humor and it works in its own mysterious ways. That world has its own insane laws that eventually lead to the creation of TV show called Make Me Laugh. The host and judges of this show-dark humor masters and true maniac...
Dont make a sound
Game page Itch pageTry to escape by collecting all prizes and avoiding the "entertaining" broacast host. The game is a surreal irony on popular local TV shows with a low level humor as a core.
Game page Congratulations, you have become an AI. You have a simple task: to learn. By following the narrator's instructions, you will reach the end point of your training and...

Весела лінгвістика
Game page In short, the game is to supplement the jokes and for receiving points. There are four options (1 correct, 1 wrong and 2 neutral) and for each you get or lose points.

Tickle derby
Game page Itch pageMultiplayer game built around tickling you opponents.

anything but in the water
Game page Exciting and perilous game where your goal is to reach the end without falling into the water. The game requires incredible agility, determination, and the ability to control your movements from the player.

Game page Itch pageYou are drunk and you are deaf. Eat to to outwit these dastardly magic cauldrons with your JOKEY-BALLS before they crush you with their totally original HUMOR-SPHERES! * Gather melons to to produce humorous jests (and in compact spherical form)! * S...
Game page You've successfully passed the chromosome test, and your chromosome level is so high that even your old friends can't keep up with you anymore, being a bit 'chromosomally challenged.The successful passage of the left test on Chromosomes haunts you in...

Midmoon guardian
Game page Itch pageA long-standing struggle will unfold on your screens. Guide the brave moon golem to save children's dreams. Your time is up when the full moon hides behind the horizon. And it's up to you to make sure the child gets his wish or wanders forever in Bar...

Samurai: Heroism and Idiocy
Game page Itch pageThe adventures of a linden samurai who wants to return home to Japan, but because of a bird, he ended up in Korea right on top of a mountain...

Game page Itch pageBattle with Billi Bons and fat man

Кіт та наждачка
Game page The game that the protagonist noticed how his cat rides on the ass.
Jester Match
Game page Jester Match is an engaging memory game. It will not only challenge your mind but also deliver a funny joke upon winning

Comediant clicker
Game page Clicker game. You click on a comedian on stage that tells jokes. Each click is a currency in this game. For this currency, you improve the characteristics of your character, that is, a comedian. The currency increases then and the visual embodiment c...
Game page Itch pageYou is what you see

Game page Itch pageIn an abstract world of complete laughter came a terrible sadness that completely changed this wonderful world, the inhabitants of the kingdom of Laughterland have been transformed into terrible creatures who know neither joy nor fun. The king entrus...

sans lazyness
Game page sans try to stay lazy but his brother papyrus try to make sans to pick his socks, but sans fight to never let his brother to make him pick socks.
Sad princess
Game page Itch pageThe king started a competition, the one who will be able to make the princess laugh will become new king. Our character does not wants to go on a battle with a dragon so he sees in that an awesome opportunity not to.

Robot cleaner
Game page Itch pageThis is a game about a robot which main goal is to clean up rubbish and put everything in order. It is located in the lowest tier of the base, where the rubbish is incinerated and recycled.

Agent Tower Defense
Game page My game world - is Agent Tower Defence. We have funny, creative characters from Skibidi Toilet. You can get a new Titan fighter to beat the hell out of your enemies.

Funny bard
Game page In our game, player travels around the world collecting various interesting cards. The bard wanted fun and happiness in his country, so he set himself the task of cheering up everyone he could. By visiting different locations and finding cards, he am...

Weasley's Prank Potions Adventure
Game page The game is a 2D platformer set in the magical world of Harry Potter. The player takes on the role of a young wizard or witch who, eager to prove their prankster skills, embarks on a quest to create mischievous potions in the Weasley brothers' prank ...